Liver Scriptus (I hate auto-correct)
It is actually Liber Scriptus of Giuseppe Verdi's famous Requiem. Liber Scriptus is a fabulous aria for mezzo-soprano and chorus. Lake...

Keep Calm and Join The Choir!
As the touring season starts to wind down, and schools are once again up and running, this is a great time of year to get involved in...

The Annual Gathering of the Singers
It’s that time of year again! Time to gather the singers under the college roof and begin the march to our next concert. Rehearsals for...

Decisions - Vowels and Vocalise
I have been preparing to perform Rachmaninoff’s Vocalise, a rather famous song he published in 1915. For those of you less familiar with...

I was asked this week if, as a singer, I was a prodigy or a virtuoso. Although this particular concert patron posed his question in a...